Dear Security Camera in our room ceiling,
Hey you! No, not you! The one behind you! No, no, no the other guy! No, the guy next you you! Yeah you! Yeah, you are the one I'm talking about! Listen REALLY carefully!!!
First of all, why do you try so hard to have a peek of our "private" stuff? For example, our pants, boxers, our lock passwords and the most important of all, our nude body?!?!?! We got changed right in front of you, in our rooms, and you never said anything? You were there the whole time without even indicating? I just can't understand how you did that!
Well today, I think you got your punishment right. When Sammy saw you at the first time, we started swearing at you- obviously Sammy cussing first. He suddenly got up on his chair, and started whacking and smashing with his polka-dotted, umbrella. On his 4th shot, I think you couldn't hold out any longer. You got completely destroyed with a deep crack in your eye! Your whole body fell out of the ceiling and landed heavily on the floor!
After, the P.A's came and cut your wires out and took you away to the trash. Ha ha! That serves you right for the first time. You should have already been int the trash with the others a few years ago! I can't imagine how many people were looked at by your eye! There would be at least a couple hundred of people out there!
If you do that once more (probably not. but just in case,) I am going to crush you into trillions of pieces and set it on fire o.k.?
From your hater, Josh
Is this real? Did you know that the CCTVs in the room weren't working for years due to privacy problem? This ode sure uses aggressive expressions well but next time try to pick a different topic, something more gentle.